Sales results of February auction

February 24, 2022

February, 14-19

Sales results of the joint international fur auction Auction Company «Sojuzpushnina» and Baikal Auction Company «Russian Sable».

148 822 skins of wild sable and 25 370 skins of farm sable, 3 793 skins of baum marten, skins of mink, foxes were offered at the joint international fur auction in St. Petersburg in February 2022.

Sales results of the collection Auction Company «Sojuzpushnina» Ltd.:

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TOP LOT of sable wild raw (AC Sojuzpushnina) was bought by Ditsios Bros for the Europa Furs, Kazakhstan at 1500 Euro per skin.

Positive results of the sales sable skins wild and farm at the past auctions «Sojuzpushnina» in December 2021 and February 2022 confirm the popularity and increasing demand for sable skins on the international fur market.

Auction Company «Sojuzpushnina» and Baikal Auction Company« Russian Sable» thanks all buyers and suppliers for the participation in the auction and invite to take part in the upcoming May auction, which will be held on May from 16 to 20, 2022.


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